Iran- Austria Joint Scientific Conference on Higher Education Collaborations

 | Post date: 2018/11/27 | 

Due to selecting Kharazmi University as a National Focal Point and coordinator of the Iranian Universities for scientific collaborations with the Austrian universities and research institutions, a high level Austrian academic group including Director General of Research and International Collaboration of Ministry of Science, Research and Economics of Austria and Dr. Stefan Zotti, Director General of OeAD came to Iran on 25-26 January 2017.

On the first day, the meeting was held in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Then, the Memorandum of Understanding between Iran and Austria has been signed. In that MOU, it was mentioned that Kharazmi University has been specified as a coordinator of academic collaborations of Iranian universities with Austrian universities and higher education institutions.

On the second day, the Iran-Austria Joint Scientific Conference on Higher Education Cooperation was held at Kharazmi University. In this conference, Professor Sobhanallahi, Chancellor of the Kharazmi University, Professor Mojtaba Shariati, Deputy Minister of Education (MSRT) and Professor Ms. S. Lotfian, president of the Center of International Studies, from Iranian side and Mrs. Weitgruber General director of research and international collaboration of ministry of science, research and economics of Austria, Dr. Zotti, Director General of OeAD and Mr. Volz from Austria presented their own higher education systems, budget and funding allocations in Iran an Austria and future planning for the collaborations between two countries. After that, two MOUs between Kharazmi University, Montan University of Leoben and PH ….. University have been signed.

Proceeding signing the MOUs, the participants spitted into five working groups in different places. The main subjects of the groups' discussions were Education and Human Sciences, Petrolium and Engineering, Life Sciences, Art & Culture, Business & Management Proceeding signing the MOUs, the participants spitted into five working groups in different places. The main subjects of the groups' discussions were Education and Human Sciences, Petrolium and Engineering, Life Sciences, Art & Culture, Business & Management.

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